KpacoTa CnaceT Mup-Beauty Will Save the World

(Quote from Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky's THE IDIOT, 1869)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Come to the Kris Kringle Christmas Show! & Art Workshop at the Boonsboro Free Library

If you're in town, this weekend, 22 & 23 November, 2008 come to the Kris Kringle Christmas Show at Hagerstown Community College, in Hagerstown, Md. Sat & Sun 9-5. There are 230 vendors, a steady flow of of customers (around 10 thousand, I understand), and it's nice and spread out, with large aisles, free parking, entrance, and golf cart rides for those parking far away. All proceeds go to charity. This year it's Hospice, and a local church that will take care of 100 local families this winter.


Come try your hand at fun & fabulous Holiday /Gift Pins, and other Holiday/Gift Idea, that cost little, are personalized, fun to make, and preserve the environment. Heck- collage artists have always preserved the environment, utilizing vintage/antique papers , ephemera,baubles, and all interesting 'recyclables'. Give a fab presentation, and you've got great gift ideas to spur your creativity.

...That's 5-6:45 this Tues. , 25 Nov, 2008 at the Boonsboro Free Library in Boonsboro, Md. COME SEE OUR NEW and WONDERFUL LIBRARY- sit back, relax, and enjoy the nice company, music, and art ideas!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

You're Invited!

WINTER WONDERLAND HOME SHOW and BAKE SALE! If you're in the neighborhood, Please Come! Just email me for particulars:) at:

See you at the Show!

xo Lydia

PS- The goodies are so delicious! We're talking, all homemade by WONDERFUL Greek, Serbian, Russian, etc. Bakers! Tarts, Russian Tea Cakes, Cakes, Baklava.... and we can take orders for certain items. ..and there might be a free, yummy, sample or two:)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Shows, Shows, and More Shows...

Actually, it's 3 shows. One to deliver to, one at home - both this weekend -and one big one next weekend, right before Thanksgiving.

The first picture is my unfinished cotton batting creatures/dolls. The next is 10 yr. old Emma's tags. They're great! The rest are some of my friend Jenny's wonderful Victorian Vignette shadow boxes.(Emma is Jenny's talented daughter). Jenny and Emma will be in the Home Show, as well as others.

So please excuse me as I try to conquer all ! Back next week:)

Thank you for all the nice emails and comments about Ken- Later xo

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Mean Kitty Song

I love this 3 1/2 min. video! Have fun!!! (Pause playlist bottom right , first) If you're interested, there are other videos, continuing the kitty stories. :)